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Other Projects

 'Meus Universum'

This project was purpose built for an exhibition at the Victoria Mill Art Centre, Congleton in December 2010. It is my personal interpretation of the planets; who says you can't take a picture of the planets from earth? You can using food colouring, steak, salt and pepper, vegetable oil and swede! I started the project looking at ideas of natural and artificial and how they can merge and become 'natrificial'. What is natural? Even the moon has been tampered with, it now has artificial footsteps and a flag on it. What is artificial? Is the universe artificial? Did creatures once live on mars and cause some type of 'global warming' that caused the big bang? Would that mean the whole 'new' universe is artificial?
This project celebrates unanswered and imaginative questions...




The Over 60s

This was a social documentation of the lives of the over 60s. It describes their insecurities, hobbies and an insight into their lives. I used a Film SLR camera to produce these images, then processed them in the darkroom. I believe the black and white adds quite a nostalgic element to the images.

Dolly Walker

This set of images documents the life of a doll. It takes inspiration from childhood imagination with a haunting twist.